Before you begin, a few reminders:

If you are ordering a gold ring, please contact Dahlia for additional instructions.

Dahlia’s rich textures are carved all around each ring. In order to preserve the quality of the texture and give customers multiple width and ring size options, each one of Dahlia's rings —with few exceptions — are carved to order.

Dahlia can stretch most rings a bit larger without damaging the exterior. Cutting the ring to make it smaller will damage the exterior texture. So it is important to know the correct ring size before ordering.


Warm  hands and consuming a very salty meal in the previous 24 hours can increase your ring size by as much as half a size or more. If the fit is loose when your hands are warm, the ring could slip off easily when they are cold.

It’s best if you try on the ring sizers a few different times: cold and warm hands, and if you have a salty meal, try the ring size again a couple of hours later. Significant weight fluctuations (over 10lbs) can also affect the fit of your rings.

A trick for statement rings is to switch the ring from your dominant hand (the hand you write with) to the other hand if you feel the ring is a bit loose because of the cold. Or move the ring to a smaller finger -- from the middle to the ring finger for example --  if the ring is feeling tight.

If you ever injure your hand, take all your rings off immediately to avoid getting them stuck from swelling.

The width of the ring you want will determine the ring size you need to order it in. Dahlia will look at the photo of your sizing form to help you pick the correct size for your order.

Thin (1.5 to 2.5mm) and Narrow (3 to 4mm) width rings need to fit tightly over the knuckle, maybe even need a little glass cleaner soap to remove them when your hands are warm.


Band (5 to 6 mm) and Wide (7 to 8mm) width rings use a ring size that fits snuggly over the knuckle without too much friction.


For X Wide (from 9 to 10mm), XX Wide (from 11 to 12mm), Chunky (13mm - 14mm) and Super Chunky (13mm - 14mm) width rings,  you will want a ring size that fits comfortably over the knuckle with little resistance when taking it off without slipping off too easily.

Tip: If a ring is hard to take off, spray glass cleaner on your finger to remove the ring. This works very well and  doesn’t leave residue behind that can dull the stones. The glass cleaner will even help clean the stones on the ring. If glass cleaner is not available, use soapy water.


The ring sizers are laid out by size in ½ size increments. You may want to use a sharpie marker to highlight the ring size tab so it’s easier to read.

Snap off the size closest to what you think your ring size should be.

Try it on the finger you want to wear your ring on and hold the blue sizer from the sides, not from the tab.

It helps to keep the sizers organized in a row from small to large on the table in front of you.

The goal is to find 3 ring sizes for the same finger: a snug fit, a comfortable fit and a loose fit ring sizer.

If the ring is loose, go to the next size down until you find a size that fits snuggly over your knuckle. If the ring sizer doesn’t go over the knuckle, put it aside and go up ½ size.

Snug fit: you need to wrestle it a bit over the knuckle and maybe use some cold water or glass cleaner to remove it.
Comfortable fit: goes over the knuckle with a little bit of resistance.
Loose fit: almost no resistance over the knuckle and doesn’t fall off easily.

If you only find a snug and a loose fit, that’s fine. Your comfortable fit could be ¼ bigger than your snug fit.

Once you identified your ring sizes, write them down next to the corresponding finger on the form you received with the ring sizers.

You can go ahead and do this for each finger on both hands so you have it as reference.

When you are done, take a picture of the form and make sure that it is legible, then email it with your contact information to the email address on the form.